solar energy

Solar Energy Program

In January 2021, Fox Metro WRD energized its 2.0 megawatt solar energy field. The field encompasses approximately 9 acres of a 45-acre property to the north of the existing wastewater treatment plant. The solar field will supply approximately 16% of Fox Metro’s annual energy needs.

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How does this benefit Fox Metro?
  • Lower Electricity Costs — Fox Metro is paying approximately 2/3 less than the regular utility rate.
  • No Upfront Capital Cost — Private companies helped fund the initial cost and were able to obtain Future Energy Jobs Act (FEJA) funding.
  • Environmental Benefits — Lowered impact on the electric grid and a reduced carbon footprint.
Where is the solar field located?

The solar field is located on the former Lucent Technologies (Western Electric) property to the north of Fox Metro’s main campus.  This property is an environmental brownfield that has been vacant since the 1990s.  Avaya, Inc. retains the environmental liability.  Fox Metro is putting the site back into purposeful use.

Where can I find more information?

Progressive Business Solutions, a partner for this project, developed a more detailed FAQ.  It is available for download here.

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