biosolids program

Biosolids Program

Biosolids are the natural byproduct of wastewater treatment, and are able to be recycled as fertilizer for our local farmers.

USEPA Biosolids FAQ Biosolids and PFAS

What are Biosolids?

Solids and liquids are the natural byproduct of wastewater treatment. The treated liquid is called effluent and at Fox Metro WRD, the effluent is discharged to the Fox River. The treated solid component is called biosolids and it has been digested through the wastewater treatment process. The pathogens have been greatly reduced. These biosolids are nutrient-rich and able to be recycled as fertilizer for our local farmers.

Fox Metro’s biosolids are stored at the main wastewater treatment plant in the sludge storage buildings until each fall.

Where does Fox Metro put the biosolids?

Fox Metro WRD land applies the treated biosolids to nearby farms in Kendall, LaSalle, and DeKalb Counties.

Is it legal to place biosolids on farms?

Yes. The biosolids program is highly regulated by local, state, and federal authorities.

Are their health risks from biosolids due to COVID-19?

There should be no risk of COVID-19 transmission through biosolids.  Please see this FACT SHEET from our industry partners.

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